Saturday, December 13, 2008

All Dogs Go To Heaven (Rippy Edition)

R.I.P Sir Costner Schwarzenegger "Rip Dog"

aka Rippy, Riptide, BoyMan, CutiePie, Ricki, DaWhoopah, Poopie, Poopie-Pie, Poop-Star, etc

June 2, 1992 - July 6, 2007

Rippy was the best dog ever! Actually, he was a very popular dog,lol. Everybody knew him and he even attended social events as an activist of sorts here in the forest city.

He lived a great life and made life great for others too. He made the family complete. He taught me compassion and patience and true unconditional love. He never judged, he only loved. And he loved everybody! He had a way of communicating without words(obviously,lol) and had great energy. He was my four-legged hero.

He was my best friend, my furry brother and the man of of my heart. Aw:) There will never be another.

He had big paws and the cutest face. God made him perfectly! His golden fur would blow in the wind and it was so amusing to see him sniff the breeze. It told a story, im sure.

He was a bird dog. He loved birdies and they loved him, cause with his fur they were kept warm for many years. He loved Rabbit holes and making "doggy angels" in the snow. Oh how he loved the snow! He would smile when the season came.

He loved Mommy's roastbeef(who doesnt?lol) and he ate all of my culinary disasters, llol Not that there were many. He loved cheeseys and yogurt and BBQ's & corn on the cob... he pretty much ate anything, lol. Even Spinach salad!

He protected me and comforted and made me laugh for many years. He understood me a way only your best friend could. I will never forget the time when i was 16 and stayed out past curfew and in the middle of getting in trouble by my parents he jumped up and sat on my lap in the chair to protect and comfort me!lol ..and he was a big dog! It was so cute that it distracted my parents, llol Aw.. i will love him forever! :)

And then there was the time that he dug to the bottom of the laundry to find my sisters (x)boyfriends sock, brought it to her and began to chew it and show his disapproval of him, lllol Aw, Rippy!

Although he failed obedience school, he was very talented when he wanted to be,llol. He would bow, like a gentleman. Perfect for a lady like me ;)

He knew when i wasnt feeling well and always did cute things to make me feel better. He would show off for people and definately knew how to get his way.. Aww.... He was a social dog. He was gentle and quite entertaining,lol

Its funny how we got to chose him. We were looking at all the puppies and my sister was playing with him and dropped him on his back. We felt bad, thought we broke him, so we said we'd take him, llol.

I will never forget our first day together. Such a small bundle of fur and he came with fleas, llol. It wasnt soon after that he started to eat my barbies, my shoes and yes, my homework (among MANY things)

And i know he loved me so. Im pretty sure i was his favorite ;) He would smile when i would come home, even when he was too tired to get up and greet me like he had done for so many years.

We spent beautiful times at the park. We rollerbladed and went on adventure He loved the water too. It will never be the same. .

He loved my touch and couldnt get enough of my doggy massages. I would bath him and groom him, so he always looked great! We were great accesories for each other, llol

My father always reminded us, from the beginning that this would end one day. Thanks Daddy. I was prepared for the inevitable so i could be strong for others. And this was indeed the case. I said my farewell a while ago and so the final day when he was pulled away in the back of the cadillac, he looked up and smiled. "See u in heaven Cutiepie". It wasnt a goodbye.

Once u get to the end, u have no choice but to look back..

Its after reviewing his life that i realized somethings about mine.

I learned very important things from my dog.

He made me a better person

my heart will go on

and i will never forget. .

My Dog Rip


PS, Rippy.. baby girl misses u

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