Monday, December 8, 2008


You always prepare yourself for the end, but then it comes and its different than you thought. For one, you may actually have to make that decision to put them down, when you hope that they will pass peacefully in their sleep at home. But it does not often happen like that.

My 2 experiences losing my Goldens were different. My first golden, lived til - 15. He was getting really slow and we knew it was coming. At the first signs of this, I had time to say goodbye, cry, laugh and hug. His loss hurt really bad, he was my first love! But at least I got to say goodbye.

My second loss was different. Only a year later, my bitch, heart broken, developed cancer and a decision had to be made quickly as her health was deteriorating. In this case, I was not prepared. I was her #1 so, it was up to me to guide her to the end. As I was not prepared, this greiving process was much different. I still think of her every night (6mos later). I kept her curly bum fur tied in a bow and i always have it in my drawer and i tell stories of her all the time.

A week into my grief , I decided that life was to be lived and i got a puppy girl. It was the best thing! Nothing like a challenge to overcome the fear of loving and losing again. It was not a move that anyone else in the family could have conceived, but i did it and it is helping evreyone. if only for distraction sake. I understand not many people can do this, for various reason. But for me, it was simply a CARPE DIEM thing!

Good Luck to everyone!

NOTE> There is no time limit on grief.

- Find your favorite photo, frame it and hang it for everyone to see.

- TELL STORIES, cause tears turn to laughter!

-remember what they taught you!

- celebrate their life and live yours! They made you a better person

AS they say, Be the person your dog thinks you are!

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